It´s time to change the cabin air filter!

The automotive industry is being urged to capitalise as warm weather straight after the recent prolonged cold spell, threatens a sudden surge in the pollen count.

Rather than a phased release of pollen by different species of plants and trees Ireland may  experience a sharp rise in the pollen count as nature rushes to make up for a shorter growing season. Forecasters are expecting consistently high pollen levels throughout the summer, which will mean problems for those susceptible to hay fever or allergies.

Corteco says one way garages can help reduce personal discomfort inside cars and improve safety levels on the road is through a managed cabin air filter replacement and driver education programme that includes:

• Product information – few understanding of the cabin air filter’s role

• Scheduled changes – infrequent replacement means air quality inside cars can be six times worse than outside

• Protective barrier – rather than streaming eyes and noses, new cabin air filters provide protection for hay fever sufferers from irritant particles drawn in through the aircon system

• Carbon activated benefits – increased passenger comfort as unpleasant exterior smells are filtered out

• Safety awareness – a sneeze attack at 55mph can cause an average of 30 yards of blind driving

“Most drivers are oblivious to the health and safety benefits that frequent cabin air filter replacement can deliver,” says Corteco sales and marketing manager Steve Jarnet. “Once drivers become aware of the benefits they can achieve from a small annual investment in their family’s health, upgrading to the carbon activated option becomes a priority. It’s a no brainer,” he adds.

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