New fleet lubrication solution from Finol Oils

Total, represented in Ireland by Finol Oils, has developed a new low SAPS and fuel economy high premium lubricant for  new Euro 6 diesel engines –  Total Rubia TIR 9900 FE 5W-30 engine oil.


This new generation lubricant is the perfect fit for operators with multi fleet, as this one engine oil will do all makes of HGVs with new Euro 6 engines and is also suitable for older engines. It has E6/E9 specifications and is backward compatible with older specifications. It is suitable for use in any Euro 6 or older engine and is specifically recommended for use in the latest generation engines to achieve the full performance of the engine.

Rubia TIR 9900 FE 5W-30 is a new generation, very high performance synthetic lubricant; it has Low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus & Sulphur) technology and is a most fuel efficient heavy duty diesel engine oil. It has the most up to date approvals from the major truck manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Renault, DAF, Mack and Cummins.

Rubia TIR 9900 5W-30 has also undergone new vigorous testing by MAN to achieve MAN approval M 3677 whilst also holding M 3477. This engine oil also meets and exceeds the specifications of all other leading HGV manufacturers.

Rubia TIR 9900 FE 5W-30 offers operators a number of benefits including:RubiaTirFE9900

  • Fuel Savings – This lubricant helps you save 1L of fuel per 100 Kms or 3% if used in combination with Total fuel economy transmission lubricants.
  • Maximum Drain Intervals – This engine oil is recommended for achieving maximum oil drain intervals, allowing for significant maintenance cost reductions.
  • Low SAPS lubricant – Its low content in Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus & Sulphur (SAPS) helps prevent Diesel Particulates Filter (DPF) clogging.
  • Outstanding anti-wear & detergency properties.
  • Excellent piston cleanliness performance.
  • Exceptional thermal stability.
  • Allows smooth cold starts.

Rubia TIR 9900 FE 5W-30 engine oil is available in Ireland through Finol Oils Ltd, Dublin who are Total Lubricants’ partner in Ireland. To find our more on this great one for all lubricant you can go to or talk to Finol on 01 4555 484.

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