Loctite 518 continues to be developed

First introduced to overcome the problems associated with conventional pre-cut compression gaskets, Loctite 518 from Henkel has been continuously developed to increase its scope of application.

This anaerobic adhesive can now cure through light surface contamination and works well on stainless steel and aluminium without an activator.

It has also been made available in pen form that delivers the proven leak-fighting properties of Loctite 518 via a roller, making application easier than ever with no waste and less mess.

The major causes of failure and leakage of a compression gasket are poor surface contact, the tendency to relax under dynamic load and bolt hole distortion that cause it to crack and tear. Loctite 518 is an ideal alternative as it fills all voids, resists high pressure and when fully cured maintains clamp load and prevents corrosion, according to the company.

The new, oil-tolerant formula of Loctite 518 ensures a consistent cure in standard workshop and maintenance conditions. And unlike cut gaskets, any size or shape can be achieved – no need for stockholding multiple gaskets.

It forms a flexible, high-strength seal that will not tear or decay. It also allows parts to be easily disassembled, even after extended service, by simply applying cleavage load between the flanges.

One company that is already benefiting from Loctite 518 is Terex, the manufacturer of lifting and materials handling equipment. It moved away from PTFE gasketing material to this Henkel gasketing adhesive to seal cast steel housings on power take off gearbox units.

Loctite 518 is applied along the gasket face with a Trax Roller, which in reality is a large version of the Loctite 518 pen. The mating faces are then brought together and secured using M10 nuts on studs that have been secured with Loctite 648 threadlocking adhesive. The move to adhesives has provided a much stronger assembly which prevents micromovement between the flanges and any subsequent leaks; it has also speeded up production.

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